
3 articles with the term tinymcewrapper in section Tags.

TinymceWrapper: Customizing Ace Editor

If you’re using the TinymceWrapper Extra you can customize the Ace editor window so it better matches the style of the MODX Manager by overriding the hard-coded CSS in the plugin. For the purpose of this tutorial I will focus specifically on the “Close” button (icon) in inline mode.


MODX TinymceWrapper CustomJS

How to target any textarea in the MODX Manager (back-end) using TinymceWrapper and turn it into a fully customizable rich-text field. For example, sending rich-text emails using MODX’s built-in Messages feature.


MODX TinymceWrapper Extra

Rarely does a plugin come along that completely changes my expectations of basic CMS functionality. But TinymceWrapper may be the tool for using a rich-text editor and file manager with MODX.
